"She is actually ... my antidepressant. ... but all looks so damn illusory." … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

He had a ... wife.

But also ... a mistress.

He kept telling to us ... when we go out with the boys at the bar ... that the amazing woman she was with now ... was his antidepressant.

And ... we've all started to believe him.

Joe ... was not so depressed anymore ... as he used to be.

I really felt ... he changed his life into better.

We were even making jokes ... saying we should all find a mistress ... cause we had enough of the ugly vibes induced by our wives.

But ... the passing of time ... made me realise that Joe became again ... depressed.

And ... it was worst and worst.

I even thought ... that soon he will lose his minds.

One day ... i've asked him ... "What the hell is going on Joe?! You said this new woman is your antidepressant ... but ... i see you more and more depressed ... "

"Well ... most certainly ... all is just a reply ... from the



... a karmic reply.

I think ... i don know what to offer to a woman ... on long term ... so i drive them crazy so, so much ... that all of them metamorphose into bitches in the end.

It happened in all ... my past relationships.

All starts amazing.

I feel that i met a princess ... and by magic that woman ... heals my depression.

But ... later on ... all change.

In fact ... all becomes ... a hell.

And .... I start to think ... is because of me ..."

"So ... you believed each time ... that you found ... a magic pill ... but all comes against you ... into the end ...

Is that what you're saying to me?!"


Well ... most certainly ... the only conclusion i could have with my friend is that .... we don't really know to offer something in return for the ... "antidepressants".

And ... the ladies become annoyed.

Cause ... good vibes ... have a price.

We know we need that.

We .... chase for it.

But ... most certainly ... we never know to ask the woman ... "what do you want in return for this?!"

So ....

Yes ... the same woman that succeeded to delete any thought of depression ... becomes the source of the depression in its absolute form.


Maybe ... sounds illogical ... but it's not …

I try to keep in mind the example of my friend ... but on the stage of the real life ... i certainly act the same ...



Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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